Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This is when you know you're crazy

So, I left work at exactly 3:30. Right on schedule. I wanted to be home by 4:15 and in the gym before the other crazies got all over the one treadmill with a working TV. When I entered the building I tasted sweet success - the gym was completely empty! Rushing upstairs I changed (into hideous) workout clothes, grabbed some water, and rushed back down. No such luck. Gym was closed. Leaky ceiling. I knew it was too good to be true.

I decided I should just go watch some T.V.

Wait, not going to make me lose weight. So what did I do?

I BRILLIANTLY decided to run up the 14 flights of stairs at my apartment complex. Then I decided it'd be a great workout to then run all the hallways of my floor.
3 hallways x 12 floors (I didn't do them all, forgive me) = a lot

It was a great workout, except for when people would come off elevators or out their apartment doors and see me running at them full speed. Sweet.

Then I ate some pancakes. Whole wheat ones, of course, with sugar free syrup.
Last week I lost 2 pounds. We'll see how I do this week. But surely tonights genius idea will help, right?

By the way, running up 14 flights of stairs shows one how out of shape one is EVEN if they think they're semi-fit. I work out hard and I was winded when I got to the top. I'm thinking about adding it to my workout plan. Thinking about it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Beginning

I have gained and lost the same ten pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have déjà vu. ~Jane Wagner

Why expose my struggles with weight? To be honest, I don't know. What I do know is that enough is enough. There comes a point where you recognize the clothes don't fit and you don't like what you see in the mirror. Occasionally I can ignore the mirror (especially if I use the one that only shows my face) or my clothes (if I don't dry my jeans for weeks on end). Of course, while I'm in denial, others are not. Just yesterday a colleague pointed out that I'd gained weight. (No kidding. Did I ask you?)

Hence, my turning point. Let's see if I can finally lose these final 10 (ok, 20) pounds for real.

Of course, I did have a McDonald's sweet tea at lunch today. It starts now, right?